Monday, January 27, 2020

Importance f Pronunciation

Importance f Pronunciation According to the Oxford Dictionary pronounce is defined as make the sound of (a word or part of a word) in the correct or a particular way. The way in which a word is pronounced is known as pronunciation. Pronunciation can be defined as a way in which a language is spoken, especially the way in which it is generally accepted or understood. Pronunciation means production and utterance of sounds of a language. English pronunciation has various components such as sounds, stress, and variation in pitch, and the learner needs to understand the function of these as well as their form, (Kenworthy, 1987). Once the learners are aware that English words have a stress pattern, that words can be pronounced in slightly different ways, that the pitch of the voice can be used to convey meaning then they will know, that to pay attention to can build upon this basic awareness, (Kenworthy, 1987: 27). Sounds are the part of a code in a language. These particular sounds make a language. Due to this code we can distinguish between different sounds and different languages. In this sense pronunciation can be defined as production and reception of sounds of speech. According to Dalton, et al. (1994), language is a speech act. Its code joins hands with other factors to make sense of communication. In this study researcher has tried to explore the pronunciation of diphthongs with special reference to the physical features of diphthongs that is of prominence to the English language learners. Since all second language learners belong to one or other group of language, their pronunciation of second language is very different of their origin. The teaching of a foreign language always deals with changing of learners pronunciation as learners find it difficult to pronounce the diphthongs. The pronunciation of one person depicts his geographical identity; hence a persons pronunciation reveals his complete personality including origin and his social background. The pitch of the voice, the speed and the utterance all indicate the background and the linguistic knowledge of that person. It is an acknowledged fact that the speaker of the second language utters the sounds through the basic knowledge that he has built up in his mother tongue. It is through the pronunciation that we distinguish between American, British and Cambridge speakers. Although all these use a Standard English accent yet they are different from one another in terms of their accent and pronunciation. Therefore what is needed and what we are concerned within Pakistan is the achievement of a comfortably intelligibility. It is very important for second language learners to pronounce correctly and follow a particular accent. There is a need to train the second language learners to pronounce the phonemes correctly. In teaching correct pronunciation we shall be able to draw inferences to determine and overcome the factors that hinder our speech. Joanne Kenworthy (1987) states, Learner needs to develop concern for pronunciation. They must recognize that poor unintelligible speech will make their attempts at conversing frustration and unpleasant both for themselves and for their listeners. Vocal cords become hardened by speaking the native language. It needs proper training to speak the second language as the learners grew older. Unfortunately despite it being a language of teaching, English is very seldom used as a medium of speech in our day-to-day transaction. Despite that teachers do not know how to produce acceptable sounds hence learners also speak what they hear. Therefore we need to concentrate our efforts in teaching an acceptable pronunciation to our learners who ultimately might seek admission in the English speaking countries. Attitude and motivation shall intermittently guide the learner to produce the sounds, which are acceptable to the native Learners. That is why the teachers of English Language must have the knowledge of phonetics of English and they should know different techniques to teach pronunciation so that the learners pronunciation would be nearer to the Received Pronunciation and also having characteristics of a distinctive Pakistani pronuncia tion of English. Certainly this is an uphill task. Since Urdu is the mother-tongue, the learners are in the habit of using Urdu sounds. The sounds of Urdu and English are certainly different from each other. The Pakistani speakers mix up the sounds of English with that of Urdu sounds and try to shape their speech organs according to sounds of Urdu while pronouncing English. The teacher of English language in Pakistan needs to build a uniform system of speech, which should be closely and implicitly nearer to the Received Pronunciation. Ur (2000) explained the following pronunciation errors: A particular sound may not exist in the mother tongue, so that the learner is not used to forming it and therefore tends to substitute the nearest equivalent he or she knows. A sound does exist in the mother tongue, but not as a separate phoneme: that is to say, the learner does not perceive it as a distinct sound that makes a difference to meaning. International Phonetic Association On the international scene, after 1950s, when new superpowers emerged the problem of pronunciation came to surface. There was no standard variety of English. Australia and New Zealand were fully colonized so the problem of accent also increased. In 1886, in Paris, a small group of language teachers formed an association to encourage the use of phonetic notation in schools to help children acquire realistic pronunciations of foreign languages and to have a common accent. But this was not an easy task since English-speaking people themselves were spread in Europe, America and Australia, not to speak of the persons using English language in thickly populated countries of Asia and the British colonies in Africa. This naturally diversified and proliferated the problems with regard to the IPA since each local language has its own ways of articulation which are hardened with the passage of time and therefore make it doubly difficult for the second language learner to imitate successfully th e accent of native speakers. This and such lie problems further accentuated the problems and pitfalls in pronunciation more so in the area of diphthongs. For this difficulty, language teachers should know how to use IPA symbols and how to teach English language by using IPA symbols. Teachers should help students to become aware of the correct pronunciation. If IPA symbols are introduced to the English language learners at the beginners level, they would not have the pronunciation problem as much as they have. Phonetic transcription It is a noticeable difficulty in pronunciation that there are many letters and combination of letters which produce numerous sounds at different places. According to Hornby (1978) the students of English are aware of the problems created by the English alphabet, unlike the oriental languages where each alphabetical letter stands for a distinctive sound, not all the English alphabets represent the phonetic sounds. For example letter c sometimes gives the sound of s as in ceiling while on the other occasion it stands for the sound of k as in class. ch gives three sounds, sound of ch as in chain, sometimes it gives sound of k as in choir and sometimes it gives sound of sh as in chef. Sometimes we combine two letters to form a new sound as th in thin gives the sound of th o ;while in the word then it gives a new sound of d. The sound sha is obtained by joining sh as in she and the sound cha is formed by combining ch as in chin. Therefore the phonetic transcription is of utmost importance . The experts in English language all agree on International System on Phonetic Alphabet IPA which assigns each English sound a special symbol. Phonetic transcription is usually given in brackets, like this. Stage /steidz/ Ich dien /ixdi:n/ Bulge /b^ldz/ Special attention shall therefore be paid to provide correct forms of transcriptions. Diphthongs Diphthongs are regarded as a sequence of two vowels within the nucleus (Bernhardt Stemberger 1998). Bernhardt 1992 suggested that diphthongs have two Root nodes. Writing on diphthongs Roach, P. (1983), goes on to say that diphthong in the BBC pronunciation are the sounds which consist of a movement or glide from one vowel sound to another. The most common mistake in pronunciation that is visible in the speech of learners of English is the production of pure vowels where a diphthong should be pronounced. Roach (1983) further writes that in terms of length, diphthongs are like the long vowels. In diphthongs the first part is much long and stronger than the second part. A common example of a diphthong is formed in ai (as in bite) where we noticed that the vowel a is uttered loudly and a glide from ai to i results in a decreased loudness. Foreign learners must remember that the last part of the English diphthong must not be uttered too strongly. According to Roach (1983) there are eight diphthongs which we divided in three groups as shown in the following diagram. Tree diagram Roach, (1983) P 21-23 There are several varieties of diphthong: wide and narrow; closing and opening; centering; falling and rising. A wide diphthong has a marked change in quality: in RP, the vowels in high, how, which move from open to close. A narrow diphthong has less movement: in RP, the vowel of day, which moves from half-close to close. The vowels of weave, groove are narrow diphthongs, because they move slightly within the close vowel area, but this movement is usually disregarded and they are treated as monophthongs. A closing diphthong ends closer than it begins, while an opening diphthong ends more open than it begins. The diphthongs of English tend to be of the closing type: in RP, say, sigh, soy, so, sow. A centering diphthong moves towards schwa: in RP, here, there. A falling diphthong is stressed on the first element, and a rising diphthong is stressed on the second. The diphthongs of English tend to be of the falling type, with the exception of the vowel sound in view, which can be interpr eted as rising. Eight diphthongs in English Connor (1967) says, Vowels are made by voiced air passing through different mouth shapes; the difference in the shape of the mouth are caused by different positions of the tongue and of the lips. He further says that, English speakers vary quite a lot in their vowel sounds i: sound used by an Australian, an American and a Scottish are all different, but they are all recognized quite easily. English language does surely have many vowels, the sounds of which are not very much different from those of the Urdu vowels. The following chart explains our argument. According to Connor (1967), all the English diphthongs are divided in three groups. Their respective positions are File:RP English diphthongs chart.svg THE first three diphthongs ph16.gif,, the neutral shwa vowel sound, which occurs in grunting noises and the weak forms of the and a, as the FINISHING POSITION. as in beer (the drink), pier, hear. The starting position is as in if or pit with tongue front and high and lips relaxed. as in bear (the animal), pair and hair. The starting position is as in egg or bed with tongue in mid position at front of mouth. To make the diphthong, using a small controlled movement, pull your tongue slightly back from mid front to the mid central position in your mouth. as in tour, poor, and moor. The starting position is with tongue pulled back but small mouth aperture as in hook, book or look. To make the diphthong, this time the small controlled tongue movement goes from the back position to the mid central position, losing the lip rounding and relaxing your mouth from the tight starting position. 2. THE next three diphthongs,, have the vowel sound pit or if as the FINISHING POSITION. To make this sound, the tongue has to be high and towards the front of the mouth and the lips kept relaxed. a. as in day, pay, say, lay. The starting position is with tongue in mid position at front of mouth as in egg, bed or Ted. Therefore the tongue is moved up to make the diphthong. b. as in sky, buy, cry, tie. The starting position is, the same sound as in cat. To make the diphthong there is a need of big jaw movement, moving the tongue from front open to and front close. c. in boy, toy, coy . The starting position is, the sound in door or or. The tongue needs to be low, but there is a need to pull it back and make the mouth round. To make the diphthong, relax the lip rounding and move the tongue forward and up. 3. The last two diphthongs, have the back vowel pulled back but small tight mouth aperture as in hook, book or look) as the FINISHING POSITION. a. as in oh, no, so or phone. The starting position is the neutral vowel sound, also known as shwa, which sounds like a grunt, as in the weak form of the or a. To start in this way, the tongue should be fixed in mid central position in the mouth with lips relaxed. To make the diphthong, it is a short controlled movement in the opposite direction from the centre to the back moving the relaxed lips into a tighter small round aperture. The cheeks should move in a bit. b. as in all the words of How now brown cow!. The starting position is the vowel sound in at bad or rat with tongue front but also low (i.e. mouth open). To make the diphthong the journey for the tongue from front low (mouth very open) to back high (small tight mouth aperture) is a very long excursion. The jaw will move a lot too. Importance of diphthongs As diphthongs are vowels the main difficulty lay in the production and adjustment of the vowel length with special emphasis on diphthongs. The learners and the teaching community both belong to the same social class; they produce and commit uniform and similar mistakes in uttering diphthongal sounds. Both English and Urdu languages have diphthongs, whereas English vowels have different articulations system, nearly all the Urdu vowels are lax and unstressed. It is here that we notice the main difficulty for the Urdu speaking learners to understand and produce the exact phonetic realization of the English phonemes. As Urdu does not have the vowels that English has so it is very difficult for the Pakistani learners of English to articulate English diphthongs. When they pronounce English diphthongs they articulate it the way they use their speech organs in the articulation of Urdu diphthongs. Hence, the pronunciation of diphthongs is almost incorrect. The listeners find it difficult to c omprehend this incorrect pronunciation of diphthongs and hence the meaning is hampered. Along with various other considerations our main attention was therefore focused on diphthongs the main consideration was to evolve and try to bring about a Pakistani way and style of pronunciation, which is properly proliferated in the country, shall be universally accepted and understood.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Gary Nash Essay -- essays research papers

In the essay written by Gary Nash, he argues that the reason for the American Revolution was not caused by the defense of constitutional rights and liberties, but that of â€Å"material conditions of life in America† were not very favorable and that social and economic factors should be considered as the driving factor that pushed many colonists to revolt. The popular ideology which can be defined as resonating â€Å"most strongly within the middle and lower strata of society and went far beyond constitutional rights to a discussion of the proper distribution of wealth and power in the social system† had a dynamic role in the decisions of many people to revolt. The masses ideas were not of constitutional rights, but the equal distribution of wealth in the colonies that many felt that the wealth was concentrated in a small percentage of the population in the colonies. The Whig ideology that was long established in English society had a main appeal towards the upper clas s citizens and â€Å"had little to say about changing social and economic conditions in America or the need for change in the future.† The popular ideologies consisted of new ways of changing the distribution of wealth. Nash in his essay continued to give good evidence to prove his point that the American Revolution was not caused by the defense of constitutional rights and liberties, but by improper distribution of wealth. During the pre-American Revolutionary times, the â€Å"top five percent of Boston’s taxpayers controlled 49 ...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

New Mexico’s Border Issues

Illegal immigration refers to the immigration of people across national border without visa or valid documents. The illegal immigration give rise to a larger set of social issues in areas, such as economy, social welfare, education and health, smuggling and crime. The international border between United States and Mexico runs for about 3,141 km which is frequently crossed over by countless illegal immigrants from Mexico. The reason for these illegal crossings is the difference in living standards and wages in US and Mexico. Even though there large group of border patrol personnel’s guarding the border, alien immigrants can still sneak in through various locations due to lack of funds and consistent patrol in the area. .According to an estimate over a million people who cross over to US, 45 percent end up in   becoming agricultural labors in various US states. The economic and social costs of illegal immigration are enormous. It is estimated that about 10,000 illegal aliens cross into US every day with annual figure reaching to   of 3 million. A third of these immigrants are caught and returned to their home country; while half of them become US residents permanently.   About 9 to 11 millions illegal immigrants reside in US at present. Due to the acceptance of low wages by illegal immigrants in New Mexico and other states, about1.8 million native workers suffer loosing not only their wages, but also jobs raising the cost of state welfare to US$ 15 billion annually. According to the National Academy of Sciences it costs $89000 to pay for an alien immigrants during his lifetime stay in US. However its not only the loss of job or revenue, but 80 percent of cocaine and 50 percent of heroin in US is smuggled through new Mexico borders by these illegal immigrants. The illegal immigrants cost billions of dollars every year to the American taxpayers; especially the free treatment offered to illegal aliens. Due to which many hospitals New Mexico, Arizona and California has been closed down. The total economic cost of illegal immigrants is estimated to in between 67$ to $87 billion. Since   1986 US has embarked efforts to restrict illegal immigration with the arrival of Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) which expanded the funding for the US border patrol. Between 1986 and 1996, Congress and President took a series of restrictive actions to regain the control of US and Mexico border. However despite these measure and IRCA act, both legal and illegal immigration continued to rise. The federal government in 1993 initiated another plan to install more officers at the border. These plans have fundamental weakness due to less defended border at many areas. For example when mobilization of forces was activated in El Paso and San Diego, the flow of migrants turned to Arizona and Texas creating new problems in these states. The push by US authorities pushed the immigrants to cross over from more remote deserts and mountains and rivers where its much more hard for border patrol to capture them. Another loss has been the higher rate of injury and death that also accelerated the cost of spending on already poor counties in New Mexico and border states. Even though the Border Patrol budget has been increased 10 times between 1986 and 2002, but the arrival of immigrants has also risen. In 2005, New Mexico declared emergency due to the rise in drug smuggling, kidnapping and murder in the state. The State governor criticized the federal government and Congress by mentioning total lack of support from the Border Patrol.   In recent days the illegal immigrant issue has become a national debate with politicians on both sides favoring and disfavoring the issue due to their own vested interests. There have been suggestions to construct fence, wall, and deployment of more Border Patrol agents to address the cross border issue. In reality the problem is much bigger than it seems. Constructing a few miles wall or fence will not bring any change, unless realistic approach is taken to tackle the issue. Even after the constructions of fence in San Diego the flow of immigrants increased; as fence provides an excuse for Border Patrol to be less careful Analyst believe that US polices have failed to produce any result. A new approach is needed to address the issue. The solution to the problem lies in the undocumented migration, which if made legal can prove   more productive.   Under the current immigration law, all countries have same quota of 20,000 thousand legal immigrants per year; which is same for the Mexico, the closest US neighbor.  Ã‚   A more realistic policy would be to   provide temporary visas, (which President Bush has recently announced), however greater emphasis should be paid to the Mexicans; as Mexico is the major part of the problem. Reference CNN, (August 13, 2005). Border emergency declared in New Mexico. Retrieved February 8, 2007, Web site: 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Economic Cost of Illegal migration. Retrieved February 8, 2007, Web site: 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Douglas S. Massey, Beyond the Border Buildup. Retrieved February 8, 2007, Web site: 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Fencing in Failure. Retrieved February 8, 2007, Web site: 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   America Org, Illegal immigration a ‘real issue'. Retrieved February 8, 2007, Web site:                                             

Friday, January 3, 2020

Global Warming The 9 Most Vulnerable Cities

The changes associated with global warming are increasing the risk of flooding in coastal cities. The rise in sea levels has been leading to saltwater intrusion and infrastructure damage from storm surges. Intensifying rainfall events elevate the risk of urban flooding. At the same time, urban populations are growing, and the value of economic investments in cities is skyrocketing. Further complicating the situation, many coastal cities are experiencing subsidence, which is a lowering of the ground level. It often occurs because of extensive draining of wetlands and heavy pumping of aquifer water. Using all these factors, the following cities have been ranked in order of average expected economic losses from climate change induced flooding. 9 Most Vulnerable Cities Guangzhou, China. Population: 14 million. Located on the Pearl River Delta, this booming south China city has an extensive transportation network and a downtown area located right on the banks of the estuary.Miami, United States. Population: 5.5 million. With its iconic row of high-rise buildings right on the water’s edge, Miami is certainly expected to feel the sea level rise.  The limestone bedrock on which the city sits is porous, and saltwater intrusion associated with rising seas is damaging foundations. In spite of Senator Rubio’s and Governor Scott’s denial of climate change, the city has recently addressed it in its planning efforts and is exploring ways to adapt to higher sea levels.New York, United States. Population: 8.4 million, 20 million for the entire metropolitan area. New York City concentrates a phenomenal amount of wealth and a very large population right at the mouth of the Hudson River on the Atlantic. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy’s dama ging storm surge overtopped floodwalls and caused $18 million in damage in the city alone. This renewed the city’s commitment to step up preparation for increased sea levels.  New Orleans, United States. Population: 1.2 million. Famously sitting below sea level (parts of it are, anyway), New Orleans is continuously fighting an existential struggle against the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi River. Hurricane Katrina’s storm surge damage prompted significant investments in water control structures to protect the city from future storms.Mumbai, India. Population: 12.5 million. Sitting on a peninsula in the Arabian Sea, Mumbai receives phenomenal amounts of water during the monsoon season and has an outdated sewer and flood control systems to deal with it.Nagoya, Japan. Population: 8.9 million. Heavy rainfall events have become much more severe in this coastal city, and river floods are a major threat.Tampa – St. Petersburg, United States. Population: 2.4 milli on. Spread around Tampa Bay, on the Gulf side of Florida, much of the infrastructure is very near sea level and particularly vulnerable to rising seas and storm surges, particularly from hurricanes.Boston, United States. Population: 4.6 million. With a lot of development right on the shores and relatively low sea walls, Boston is at risk of severe damage to its infrastructure and transportation systems. The impact of Hurricane Sandy on New York City was a wake-up call for Boston and improvements to the city’s defenses against storm surges are being made.Shenzhen, China. Population: 10 million. Located approximately 60 miles further down the Pearl River estuary from Guangzhou, Shenzhen has a dense population concentrated along tidal flats and surrounded by hills. This ranking is based on losses, which are highest in rich cities like Miami and New York. A ranking based on the losses relative to the cities Gross Domestic Product would show a predominance of cities from developing countries. Source Hallegatte, Stephane. Future flood losses in major coastal cities. Nature Climate Change volume 3, Colin Green, Robert J. Nicholls, et al., Nature, August 18, 2013.